Thursday 3 November 2011

Why Bother With Twitter In The First Place?

Why bother with Twitter? Twitter is a system of communication that can help your business engage with potential customers. Its one part press release, one part customer service line, and one part Frat party. There are countless ways you can connect with others using Twitter. There are also countless ways to waste time on twitter. The key is to be focused on connecting with those that have interests in line with your business. People often complain or ask for help on Twitter. This is a real opportunity. The press release concept is also a powerful way to get exposure if you don’t over do it.

Twitter is a very contagious trend. Asking, “Why bother with Twitter?” may come as a surprise to many business owners. Truly, there is no question Twitter can improve your business’ popularity in the online world as all the aspects of social networking can be found in Twitter.

Twitter lets you get in touch with virtually anyone: from your closest friends to people from all around the world. In fact, using the services of this social networking site could bring you the following benefits:

• You can get as many followers as you want and ask them to interact with you – as they say; communicating with your clients is one good way to keep them hooked to your business. For one, you can focus on your customers more as you connect with them on a more personal level and you can get them to send you their opinion easier.

• In just one post, you can let everyone know what your business is currently up to. You can update your followers with what you are doing with your business, and what they can expect from it. You can link to your site or Facebook page.

• It gets your message across fast. It takes little time for you to post and is very easy for followers to retweet or pass on your message. This is very powerful when followers resend your message to all of their followers, especially if there is a link to your site or Facebook page.

While using Twitter, there are a few things that you must remember. Below are some of the things that you must take note of to make sure your posts are effective:

• Make it short and simple – the whole point in using Twitter is giving your customers an overview of what you want them to know. It makes it easier to capture their attention if they can see it and understand it at once.

• Use URL shorteners to take advantage of the posting capability – you know that you are limited to only 140 characters, so how do you put your long URLs? This is where URL shorteners come in; such shorteners like will definitely make you put your message in a more convenient manner.

• Take time to put new content – refresh your tweets regularly. Making sure that your posts are updated would eventually strike your customers’ curiosity.

What’s best about this is that you get all your publicity free of charge, but be careful not to over do it. Followers will quickly tire of you beating them over the head with product information. In the end, answering the question “Why bother with Twitter?” can be summed up by understanding this: Twitter is something that you can harness to connect with those people that you can help. Further it allows you to offer helpful information to followers. Finally, you can keep followers up to date on your offering and your products. This can all be done quickly and efficiently by consistent tweets and links to your company properties. Your mindset needs to be one of giving and not taking.

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